Obrigada, - você tem visitado meu Blog - Turismo daqui para o Mundo

Thank you, - you have visited my Blog- Tourism here to the World be welcome to Florianópolis, Santa Catarina Brazil. Grande Florianópolis is one of the touristic destinations most visited in Santa Catarina. It in this region that there is situated the state capital, Florianópolis, famous for its natural beauties and life quality – the best among all the Brazilian capitals. But there are other attractions in the surroundings, as the thermal water resorts of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, the rural scenery of Rancho Queimado, Anitápolis, São Bonifácio and besides the extremely beautiful beaches of Governador Celso Ramos and Palhoça, where there is the much acclaimed Guarda do Embaú. Jornalist Mariza Ortiz Carvalho